You can either enable this feature from first installation of Visual Studio or access it from the ‘Tools -> Get Tools and Features…’ menu item:
To follow along you’ll need a copy of Visual Studio, plus the ‘Mobile development with. Set Up Visual Studio and Your Environment The overall aim is to enable you to create a simple native Android app with basic user authentication included. In this tutorial, I’ll be looking more closely at the Xamarin platform and the Android operating system toolset known as Xamarin.Android.

Xamarin platform, on the other hand, is very much platform-specific work and is more akin to writing native apps but with C#. With Xamarin.Forms a vast majority of your business logic and user interface can be written within one shared project that produces fully functioning apps on all 3 of the iOS, Android and the Windows (UWP) operating systems. Xamarin has two main flavors: Xamarin platform (Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android) and Xamarin.Forms.

NET world has been blessed with Xamarin a set of tools that lets you build mobile apps for Android, iOS, and Windows within Visual Studio. NET developer that has always wanted to make a mobile application? Or maybe you have tried building native mobile apps with Android or iOS but didn’t like the languages? Well then, you are in luck! The.